Dome Under Festival returns to the Melbourne Planetarium

The Dome Under Festival returns to the Melbourne Planetarium with a brand-new selection of the best fulldome films from around the world.

Immerse yourself in the wonder of spectacular fulldome films from around the world.

In an exciting international collaboration with planetariums around the globe, we are scouring the Earth to find films that will surprise, delight, confront, and thrill you. Jena Fullldome Festival (Germany), Fulldome UK (England), Dome Fest West (USA), and our very own Dome Under Festival are joining forces to bring you The Best of Earth.

The Best of Earth features the winners of a world-wide competition for fulldome film makers. The two-day festival will celebrate the fulldome film format and include fascinating documentaries, compelling stories, inspiring experimental works and more.

The immersive power of the planetarium is unrivalled in its ability to transport you into space.  No longer restricted to displaying only the night sky, fulldome cinema now has the power to transport you anywhere. Don’t miss out on this incredible experience, coming to the Melbourne Planetarium 9–10 October 2021.

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